Goal Setting

February Goals

In January, illness disrupted plans, prompting a reevaluation. Goals for February include improved household management, teaching kids responsibility and financial skills, health and wellness focus, getting back on track with school, and prioritizing marriage amidst busyness. Despite a whirlwind January, the focus is on solidifying better goals and moving forward with joy.


Mars Hall Legacy Academy is Back in Session

In 2024, Mars Hall Legacy Academy shifted to a "year-round" schooling approach with the academic year starting in January. The curriculum includes Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool, Not Consumed Faithipedia, Beast Academy, and The Good and the Beautiful. Additionally, we will engage in the "Bookopoly" game to promote reading and earn points for prizes.


My Favorite Reads of 2023

In 2023, I surpassed my reading goal of 52 books, ending the year with 62 reads. From the series conclusion to "Inheritance Games" in January to the delightful space adventure of "Seventh Grade Vs. the Galaxy" in December, choosing monthly favorites was a delightful challenge. Ultimately, "Seventh Grade Vs. the Galaxy" brought my family together and took the top spot.

Blog, Goal Setting

I’m Back! (I hope!) With 2024 Goals

Hi there! Welcome to A Wise Woman in Progress. I can't believe that it has been an entire year since I sat down to share anything on this blog. I know I had big dreams of writing and posting and all the things but truth be told 2023 kinda just kicked my behind. I struggled… Continue reading I’m Back! (I hope!) With 2024 Goals


My Top 5 Books of 2022

My Goodreads goal for last year was set at 52 books, one book a week. I managed to come in just under that number but several of thew were quite lengthy (I'm talking 800+ pages) so I'm still calling it a successful year in reading. As I spent time scrolling through my Goodreads "Year in Books" review I was pleased to see the variety of reading I had done and I'll be honest when I say that it was quite a challenge to choose my top 5 books for the year but I did it so here we go.

Replant Reality

Replant Reality: A Replant Pastor Wife’s Perspective for 2023

I love the idea of looking up and realizing how much growth and beauty has taken place through no power of our own but on through the miraculous work of God. Sure, we have to put our feet to the pavement and dig in but it is only through God that this replant process will truly be successful. And that is my prayer for 2023.


When Mistakes Are Made

Over the course of my time as a homemaker I have really tried to lean into the idea that I as the mom am the one that more often than not will be the one that sets the tone in my home. That means when things like what happened on Saturday rather than allowing the anger and frustration ruin an opportunity to be loving and understanding I was able to use the situation to help make things calm and resolve the problem peacefully. Here are a few things to think about when things sometimes go wrong.

Replant Reality

Replant Reality: A Replant Pastor Wife’s Perspective Part 2

If you sit down with almost any pastor’s wife and ask her what one of the first questions she was asked was when she and her husband went to a church in view of a call to pastor the answer will probably be something along the lines of whether or not she could play the piano or organ, when she planned to begin leading the weekly women’s Bible study, or what her vision for the children’s ministry department happened to be. It is almost always assumed that when a pastor accepts the call to become the new pastor of a church that his wife will be active in some way within the ministry, a two for one deal of sorts. And that is probably true to some extent, however, what that role looks like may not be what the members of the church are expecting.