
Welcome to A Wise Woman in Progress

Hi! Welcome to my newest corner of the internet.

I’m Elizabeth. Wife to Dusty, mom to Collin, RaeLynn, and Madilynn. I am also student, teacher (both in a classroom and at home with my own children), children’s director, virtual assistant, babysitter, writer, and anything else that happens to crop up needing my time and attention. I spend my days teaching, reading, writing, washing dishes, cleaning up messes, changing diapers, and folding clothes ( that last one is a bit of a stretch. But on occasion I will actually fold the laundry).

Cream Photo Homemakers Pinterest Graphic

I spent most of my life living in the southern part of New Mexico. I was born there, went to high school there, and when it came time to go to college I just moved from one side of the state to the other. It was there that I met my husband. We met in January of 2005 and buy February we were dating. We were engaged in 2006, graduated college in 2008 and a month later got married. During the first 4.5 years of our marriage we spent time pastoring a small church in New Mexico with absolutely no idea of what we were doing. During that time, a lot of things went right and even more things went wrong. Eventually, the church closed and we sank back quietly to tend to our wounds. We made up our minds to become those quiet people who sit in the pews on Sunday and occasionally serve on a committee here and there.

But the call to ministry became clear yet again and in the summer of 2012, just a few short weeks before our 2nd baby was born Dusty and I made the decision that it was time to pack everything up and move to Fort Worth to finally get the education that was missing the first time we tried to lead, support, train, and encourage God’s people. So that is what we did. Just a few short weeks after RaeLynn was born we packed up and moved. And that is when my blogging journey began.

I started out blogging with the intention of having a way that everyone we care about can know what is going on in our lives all in one place. (Mostly because I’m lazy and didn’t want to have to tell any of the stories a million times.) However, once we got here (seminary) I really began to see the opportunities that are afforded to me I began using my writing as a way to debunk a lot of the misconceptions that I have heard floating around out there about what God and the Bible have to say about a lot of things, but mostly women and their created role.

Along the way I have also attempted to share a bit of my real, everyday life. From recipes that I love to activities and events that we have participated in. And that is my goal for this particular site. To share my life-the good, the bad, and the ugly- in the hopes that just one person might read what I have to say an realize they aren’t alone in t


he world. That this whole adulting thing is hard work. Over the course of the last 5 or so years I have had the opportunity to learn a lot about what it means to be a wife, mother, homemaker,and woman of God. I want to be able to pass that on to others who are feeling just as lost as I was just a few years ago. But hear me when I say, I am no where perfect in any area of my life. Proverbs 14:1 saysThe wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.” and Proverbs 3:13 says Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding” Finding wisdom and using it to build up those in my care is the goal.  And I am always in progress.




In the book of Titus women are instructed to live life together. Teaching, training, mentoring, learning and growing together side by side. Older women are told to teach the younger, and younger women are told to learn. But here is the thing-there is always going to be someone older than you and there will always be someone younger than you. Life is often compared to a race. That we are all running full force to get to the finish line so we can hear that we have done a good job. And absolutely, life is a marathon, not a sprint. But those types of races are solitary. They are quiet and alone. Its just you and the pavement running toward a far off goal. That is not life. Life is a relay. We are passing things back and forth. Handing off the baton and receiving it again and again. Until finally, if we do it right, we will all get to that finish line together.

So here we go. Grab yourself a cup of tea, a comfy spot on the couch, and make yourself at home. I’m glad to have you hear with me

Elizabeth (1)

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