
Jumping into James

Happy Monday!

One of the areas that I have really been working on doing better with is reading my Bible and staying more connected with God.

Sure I pray on a regular basis (I am a stay at home mom after all I talk to God A LOT during the day) and I enjoy digging into the Scriptures when we have our Sunday morning Bible Studies or our Tuesday night Home Group. But where I really fail is in my daily Bible study and quiet time. Part of that is because I don’t ever really have quiet in my home. I mean, I suppose if you count the few hours when we are all sleeping, but for the most part that is it.

With the semester approaching fairly quickly (can you believe that classes start in just under a month) I really need to work on getting myself into a better routine of waking up early and starting my day off on the right foot.

That is why when I saw that the Good Morning Girls are going to be doing a 2 week study on the book of James I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the materials.

Luckily at the time we had a bit of spare cash and the study guide/journal was on sell for about $10 so I scooped it up.

I am super excited to be going through this book as I prepare to enter into the new semester here at Southwestern.

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A Little Intro to James

James is often considered one of the most practical books found in the Scriptures. This book, much like that of Proverbs, holds its focus on wise Christian living for those transformed by faith.

Who: James’ the brother of Jesus, is the author of this book.

Who (again):  It is likely that the recipients of this book were Jewish Christians living in and around Jerusalem and Antioch at the time.

When: This book happens to be one of the oldest of the New Testament books, having been written between A.D. 48 and 62.

What: James shares how faith and works relate to one another, provides practical ways for Christians to live out their faith, provides tools for trials and tribulations, shares the power of speech and wisdom, and outlines the relationship between the rich and the poor.

James’ Key Verse

Be doers of the word, and not hearers only. ” James 1:22

How the Study Works

The Good Morning Girls use what they like to call the “SOAK” method.
SOAK stands for
K~Kneeling in Prayer
Lets break that down a bit


This is where you read the scripture passage for the day. Once you have read through it a couple of times pick 1 or 2 verses that really just jumped out at you and write them down. There is no right or wrong verse to write out. The Holy Spirit will lead you in what is most important for you for the day. Spend the rest of the day meditating on the portion that you picked out.


This is where you dig a little bit deeper. Take a look at the 1 or 2 verses you wrote out and break them down. Write out a few observations about those particular verses What stands out? What are you learning from them? Is there something you have never noticed before? A promise, command, or teaching from God? Write what you see.


This is where you make those 1 or 2 verses personal to your life. How do the apply to the season you are in? How can you incorporate whatever God is showing you in to your life? Is there something in your life that you might need to change? Or a specific action you might need to take? Write it down so you will remember.

K~Kneeling in Prayer

Now that you have read, observed, and laid your action plan now its time to go to God in prayer about what He has revealed. Praise God for his word and the way He is working in your life. Pray for Him to continue to work this passage in and through you so that the action plan you set out will be glorifying to him.
Originally this was known as the SOAP (with the P just standing for prayer) however, I REALLY love the picture of SOAKing in God’s word as you go through each passage day by day.
Each day also has a reflection question that helps with the application aspect of the study. Good Morning Girls posts the reflection question on various social media platforms and invites women all over the world to connect and reflect over the reading for the day. That is one of the best aspects of social media today!
I don’t think there is any better place to begin my semester journey than in the practical living aspect of James.

How do you study the Bible? Have you ever done a Good Morning Girls Study?

10 thoughts on “Jumping into James”

  1. Loved this! I didn't know Good Morning Girls was doing a 2 week study on James, makes me so happy! I too, am a stay at home mom/ housewife and my Husband is starting school with Southwestern next year, and we couldn't be more excited!


  2. Pretty cool. the Proverbs of the new testament, reminding us how to deal with the everyday. I know you'll love it!


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